Upcoming Books
This is the page where you will find out what I’m currently working on.
The Space Legacy Series:
Work In Progress:
Adam Novus Chronicles Series:
Book 1: The Spaceship In The Stone (Published on Amazon: Link)
Book 1.5: Max's Logs Vol.1 (Published on Amazon: Link)
Book 2: Orbital Ascension (Published on Amazon: Link)
Book 2.5: Max's Logs Vol.2 (Published on Amazon: Link)
Book 3.5: Max's Logs Vol.3 (Published on Amazon: Link)
Book 4: Solar Incursion (Work in Progress)
Book 4.5: Max's Logs Vol.4 (Work in Progress)
The Space Legacy: Currently writing Book 4 in the Space Legacy series, and working on the next Max's Logs (as time permits).
Book 1: The Death Curse ((Published on Amazon: Link)
Book 1.5: Tales Of The Hidden 1 (Patreon) - 4 stories uploaded.
Book 2: To Rule In Hell (Patreon)
Book 2.5: Work in Progress
Book 3: Work in Progress
Adam Novus Chronicles: I'm working on additional stories in Tales Of The Hidden 1 and will continue to work on Book 3 (and a few more short stories) after finishing Book 4 in The Space Legacy series.
Thank you for reading!
Igor Nikolic